How to Display Funko Pops (Tips and Tricks for Pop Collectors)

If you’re a fan of Funko Pops, you know that collecting them is just half the fun. Once you have a collection of your favorite characters, it’s time to display them at home!

In this post, we’ll explore different ways to display your Funko Pop collection, from floating shelves to tiered stands and everything in between.

Without further ado, here’s how to display Funko Pops!

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How To Display Funko Pops

Best Ways To Display Funko Pops

1. Hexagon Display Shelf

Hexagon display shelves add a modern and stylish touch to any room. As the name suggests, these shelves are hexagon-shaped and are mounted directly onto the wall, like floating shelves. These shelves are an excellent option for displaying Funko Pops and can be used to create a visually appealing display that showcases your entire collection.

Hexagon display shelves occupy minimal space and can be mounted in various configurations. This is an excellent product for creating a customized display for your Funko Pop collection. As you acquire more Funko Pops, you can add more shelves to accommodate your collection. Additionally, these shelves are relatively easy to install and provide a cost-effective way to display your collection.

Best For Growing Funko Pop Collections: Hexagon Display Shelf

Looking for a stylish and functional way to display your growing Funko Pop collection? This display shelf is ideal for creating eye-catching arrangements on your walls while keeping your Funko Pops safe and secure. Made from high-quality materials, this product is easy to install, glows in the dark, and comes with nine hexagon shelves!

2. Display Risers

Looking for ideas on how to display funko pops? Display risers are a fantastic addition to any Funko Pop display, as they allow you to add height and depth to your collection. These small platforms work by elevating your figures off the surface of your display, creating a more dynamic and visually appealing arrangement.

By using risers, you can create a multi-layered display that showcases your favorite figures in a way that is both interesting and eye-catching. Overall, display risers are a simple yet effective tool for any Funko Pop collector looking to create a display that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Best For Creating A Customized Display: Clear Acrylic Risers

These Clear Acrylic Risers are the perfect solution for creating a unique and personalized display. These risers are made from high-quality, transparent acrylic, providing a sleek and modern look that will complement any decor. The risers come in a variety of sizes, allowing you to mix and match to create a display that perfectly fits your needs.

3. Floating Shelves

Floating shelves are an excellent choice for displaying Funko Pops. They are simple, stylish and space-saving, making them perfect for showcasing your collection. The shelves are mounted directly on the wall without any visible brackets or supports, which gives the illusion that your Funko Pops are floating in mid-air. This makes for an eye-catching display that draws attention to your collection and creates a unique focal point in your room.

Floating shelves are also easy to install and come in a variety of sizes and styles to fit any wall space. They are durable and can hold multiple Funko Pops, making it an ideal option for collectors who want to organize and showcase their collection in an elegant and efficient manner.

Best For Large Funko Pop Collections: Acrylic Floating Shelves

Looking for an elegant and space-efficient way to display your large Funko Pop collection? These Acrylic Floating Shelves are the perfect solution for collectors with big collections. The floating design creates a clean and minimalist look that will make your Funko Pops appear to be floating in mid-air.

4. Display Cases

Display cases are an excellent option for showcasing your Funko Pop collection. They offer a secure and protective environment to keep your collection safe from dust, sunlight, and other elements that can damage or fade the figures.

Display cases securely store your Funko Pops and have a clear front panel that allows you to view your collection. They come in various sizes, shapes, and materials, including acrylic, glass, and wood, so you can choose the perfect one for your collection and décor.

Display cases are the best way to display Funko Pops for collectors who want to show off their collection in a clean, organized, and professional manner. Additionally, some cases can be locked for added security, which is especially important for rare or valuable Funko Pops.

Most Low Maintenance: Acrylic Mini Funko Pop Display Case

This Acrylic Mini Funko Pop Display Case is the perfect solution for collectors who want an easy to use and durable display option. Made from high-quality acrylic, this case is lightweight and easy to handle. The clear acrylic sides provide an unobstructed view of your mini Funko Pops, while the lid makes it easy to add or remove items from your collection.

5. Tiered Stands

Tiered stands are a more elaborate display option that creates a multi-level display that showcases your collection in a unique way. These stands are a great option for those who want to create a statement piece in their home and show off their collection in a more dynamic way.

When choosing a tiered stand, consider the size and weight of your Funko Pops and make sure that each level is strong enough to support the weight. It’s also important to consider the spacing between levels, as some Funko Pops are taller than others and will require more vertical space. Tiered stands are a great option for those who want to create a cohesive display, as they can be arranged by franchise or color to create a visually appealing effect.

Best For Tabletop Displays: Plastic Tiered Display Stand

Not sure how to display Funko Pops on a desk or shelf? This Plastic Tiered Display Stand is the perfect choice for showcasing your Funko Pop collection on a tabletop.

Made from durable and lightweight plastic, this display stand features three tiers, each designed to hold your Funko Pops securely in place. Whether you’re a serious collector or just starting out, this stand is the perfect way to showcase a small collection in style.

6. Funko Pop Box Protector

Funko Pop box protectors are plastic cases that are designed to fit over the original packaging of Funko Pops. These protectors are clear and are one of the best ways to display Funko Pops while keeping them in pristine condition. Funko Pop box protectors can be used to protect your figures from dust, damage, and other environmental factors that could cause wear and tear over time.

When choosing Funko Pop box protectors, it’s important to consider the size of your figures and the packaging they come in. Most protectors are designed to fit standard-sized Funko Pop boxes, but there are also protectors available for larger figures or more uniquely-shaped packaging. You should also consider the thickness and durability of the protector, as well as any additional features like UV protection.

There are several benefits to using a Funko Pop box protector. First and foremost, protectors can help prevent damage to your figures and keep them looking new for longer. This is especially beneficial for collectors who value the packaging and want to keep their figures in mint condition. They can also make it easier to display your collection, as they allow you to stack and organize your boxes without worrying about them getting damaged.

Best For Keeping Your Funko Pop In Mint Condition: Funko Pop Protector Case

This Funko Pop Protector Case is the ultimate solution for keeping your Funko Pop collection in mint condition. Made from high-quality, acid-free PET material, this protector case is designed to fit standard-sized Funko Pops perfectly, protecting them from dust, dirt, and damage while still allowing complete visibility. The durable construction ensures that your collection stays in pristine condition, whether you’re displaying them on a shelf or storing them away.

7. Funko Pop Boxes Display Case

A Funko Pop box display case is a type of storage solution designed specifically for Funko Pop boxes. These cases are used to showcase entire collections while keeping the boxes safe from damage and environmental factors. They are a great option to display your Funko Pop collection without removing your figurines from the their packaging.

When choosing the right size and style of Funko Pop box display case, it’s important to consider the size of your collection and the space you have available to display it. Some cases are designed to hold a few figures, while others can accommodate multiple boxes.

There are several benefits to using a Funko Pop box display case. Funko Pop box display cases are stackable, making them a space-saving option for collectors with limited space. This is the best way to display Funko Pops for people who want to preserve the packaging of their figures while displaying them in a visually appealing way.

For Serious Funko Pop Collectors: Funko Pop Boxes Display Case

The Funko Pop Boxes Display Case is the perfect solution for people who want to showcase their entire Funko Pop collection without removing their packaging. By keeping the boxes in pristine condition, you can maintain the value of your collection while still enjoying the full beauty of the Pops. Whether you’re a hardcore collector or just starting out, the Funko Pop Boxes Display Case is the ideal way to showcase and protect your valuable collection.

Funko Pop Display Tips

In this post, I’ve gathered several ideas on how to display funko pops. Whatever display option you choose, it’s important to have fun and get creative with your collection. Whether you’re a seasoned collector or just starting out, there’s no wrong way to display your Funko Pops.

With a little bit of planning and creativity, you can create a display that showcases your collection in a way that’s uniquely you. Here are a few additional tips to keep in mind when displaying your Funko Pops:

  • Consider the size of your collection: Before you start displaying your Funko Pops, it’s important to consider the size of your collection. If you have a large collection, you may need to get creative with your display options. Floating shelves, tiered stands, and Funko Pop box display cases can all be great options for showcasing a larger collection.
  • Group by theme or franchise: If you have a large collection, consider grouping your Funko Pops by theme or franchise. This can create a more cohesive display and make it easier for others to appreciate your collection.
  • Use risers to add depth and height to your display: Risers are a great way to add depth and height to your Funko Pop display. They can be used to create a tiered effect that adds interest to your display.
  • Rotate your display: Don’t be afraid to switch up your display from time to time. This can help keep your collection feeling fresh and new, and also gives you an opportunity to showcase different pieces.
  • Keep your display clean and organized: Finally, it’s important to keep your Funko Pop display clean and organized. Dust your figures regularly with a soft cloth or brush to keep them looking their best
  • Have fun with it: At the end of the day, collecting Funko Pops should be a fun and enjoyable hobby. Don’t stress too much about creating the perfect display – focus on showcasing your favorite pieces and creating a display that makes you happy.

Best Ways To Display Funko Pops

In this post, I’ve gathered the best solutions on how to display Funko Pops. Here are the best products from this article in one convenient list:


In conclusion, displaying Funko Pops can be a fun and rewarding hobby for collectors of all ages. By using the tips outlined in this article, you can create a unique and visually appealing display that showcases your favorite figures. From using risers to add depth and height to your display, to rotating your display regularly to keep it looking fresh, there are many ways to create a stunning display that highlights your collection.

Remember to keep your display clean and organized, and to use lighting to highlight your favorite figures. With a little creativity and effort, you can create a Funko Pop display that is sure to impress your friends and fellow collectors. So go ahead, get creative, and have fun displaying your Funko Pop collection!