How To Display Air Plants (Best Air Plant Display Ideas)


Air plants, also known as Tillandsias, have gained tremendous popularity in the world of home decor. These unique plants are not only visually appealing but also bring a touch of greenery and freshness to any space. With their ability to thrive without soil and minimal care requirements, air plants have become a favorite among plant enthusiasts and interior designers alike.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various creative ideas on how to display air plants and provide tips on how to care for and maintain them. Whether you’re a seasoned plant enthusiast or just getting started with air plants, this blog post will inspire you to create stunning displays that will enhance the beauty of your home or office. So, let’s dive in and discover the wonderful world of air plant displays!

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How To Display Air Plants

When it comes to showcasing air plants, the display you choose plays a crucial role in enhancing their visual appeal and ensuring their well-being. There are various types of displays available, each offering its own unique charm.

In this post, Iโ€™ve gathered six air plant display ideas. Let’s explore some popular options and factors to consider when selecting the perfect display for your air plants.

1. Hanging Displays

how to display air plants

Hanging displays are a popular choice for air plant enthusiasts. They add a whimsical touch to any space and allow the plants to dangle freely, showcasing their natural beauty. Hanging displays can range from simple macrame holders to intricate hanging terrariums.

When choosing a hanging display, consider the weight of your air plants, as some varieties can become quite heavy when watered. Ensure that the display you select can support the weight of your plants securely.

2. Mounted Displays

air plant display ideas

Mounted displays provide a unique opportunity to showcase the intricate details and natural form of each air plant.

When opting for a mounted display, consider the size and shape of the surface you’ll be mounting the plants on. Ensure that it offers enough space for the plants to grow and thrive. Additionally, consider the aesthetics of the display and how it will complement your existing decor.

3. Terrariums

displaying air plants

Not sure how to display air plants? Terrariums provide a miniaturized ecosystem for air plants, creating a captivating display that can be enjoyed from multiple angles. These enclosed glass containers offer a controlled environment with increased humidity, making them suitable for air plants that prefer a more humid environment.

When selecting a terrarium, consider the size and shape to accommodate your air plants comfortably. Ensure that it has proper ventilation to prevent excessive moisture buildup, which can lead to rotting.

4. Glass Orbs and Bulbs

ideas for displaying air plants

Glass orbs and bulbs are a popular choice for displaying air plants. These transparent containers provide a stunning showcase, allowing you to appreciate the unique shapes and colors of your air plants from all angles.

You can suspend them from the ceiling or place them on a tabletop or shelf. The open hole in the glass orbs helps reduce humidity levels and creates a microclimate conducive to air plant growth.

5. Wire Frames and Sculptures

Get creative by incorporating wire frames or sculptures into your air plant displays. These artistic creations can be shaped into various forms, such as geometric shapes, animals, or even abstract designs.

Simply tuck your air plants into the wire structure, allowing them to intertwine and create a living art piece. Ensure that the wire frame or sculpture is sturdy enough to support the weight of the plants.

6. Air Plant Frame

Air Plant Frame

Looking for creative air plant display ideas? Instead of housing a photograph or artwork, an air plant frame allows for the secure placement of your air plants. These frames are typically made from materials like wood or metal, providing a sturdy and stylish base for your plant collection.

The wire design ensures that your plants remain securely in place and are easily accessible for watering and maintenance. Plus, the open structure of the frame allows for proper air circulation, ensuring the health and longevity of your air plants.

Tips For Selecting A Display

Factors to consider when selecting a display for your air plants include:

  • Lighting: Air plants thrive in bright, indirect light. Consider the lighting conditions in the area where you plan to display them. If the space has limited natural light, you may need to supplement with artificial lighting to ensure the plants receive adequate illumination.
  • Size: Take into account the size of your air plants when selecting a display. Some air plants can grow quite large, while others remain compact. Ensure that the display you choose can accommodate the growth of your plants over time.
  • Style: The display you choose should complement your personal style and existing decor. Whether you prefer a minimalist, bohemian, or modern aesthetic, there is a wide range of options available to suit your taste.

By considering these factors and exploring the different types of displays available, you can choose the perfect display that not only showcases the unique beauty of your air plants but also ensures their well-being. Remember, the right display will not only enhance the visual appeal of your space but also provide a suitable environment for your air plants to thrive.

Showcasing Air Plants in Different Spaces

Air plants, with their unique beauty and low-maintenance nature, can be incorporated into various areas of your home to add a touch of natural elegance. In this section, we will explore different spaces and provide suggestions on where to display air plants, as well as the benefits of incorporating them into different interior styles.

1. Living Rooms

The living room is often a central gathering space where you can showcase your air plants in creative ways. Consider placing a collection of air plants on a coffee table or side table, adding a vibrant and natural element to the room. You can also hang air plants from macrame hangers near windows or on walls to create a visually striking display.

Air plants can complement various interior styles, from minimalistic and modern to bohemian and eclectic, adding a touch of greenery and freshness to your living space.

2. Kitchens

Kitchens are not only functional spaces but also areas where you can infuse creativity and style. Air plants can thrive in the kitchen environment, as they enjoy the humidity generated by cooking and the indirect light often found in this space.

Consider placing air plants on open shelves, windowsills, or even on magnetic containers attached to the refrigerator. By incorporating air plants into your kitchen, you not only add a unique and natural element but also benefit from their air-purifying properties.

3. Bathrooms

Bathrooms provide a perfect environment for air plants, as they often have higher humidity levels. Create a spa-like atmosphere by displaying air plants on bathroom countertops, floating shelves, or hanging them from the shower rod or hooks.

Air plants can thrive in the steamy and indirect light conditions found in bathrooms, making them an ideal choice for these spaces. Their sculptural forms and vibrant colors can add a refreshing and calming touch to your daily routine.

4. Offices

Bringing air plants into your office space can help create a more relaxing and productive environment. Place air plants on your desk, bookshelves, or window sills to add a natural element to your workspace. The presence of air plants can help improve air quality and reduce stress levels, enhancing focus and creativity.

Whether your office has a modern, minimalist design or a more traditional aesthetic, air plants can easily blend in and provide a soothing and visually appealing addition.

Incorporating air plants into different areas of your home allows you to enjoy their natural beauty while enhancing your space’s ambiance. From living rooms and kitchens to bathrooms and offices, there are endless possibilities for showcasing air plants and incorporating them into various interior styles. Experiment with different air plant display ideas and let the unique charm of air plants transform your home into a green oasis.

Care and Maintenance Tips

Air plants, also known as Tillandsias, are renowned for their low-maintenance nature. However, they still require some care and attention to ensure they thrive in your home.

In this section, we will provide you with essential guidelines on how to care for air plants, including watering, lighting, and fertilizing. We will also discuss common challenges that may arise and offer solutions to help you troubleshoot them effectively.

1. Watering:

One of the most crucial aspects of air plant care is proper watering. Unlike traditional plants, air plants do not require soil to grow, but they absorb water and nutrients through their leaves. Here are some watering guidelines:

  • Mist the plants with water 1-2 times a week. Ensure that the water reaches all parts of the plant, including the base and the underside of the leaves.
  • Alternatively, you can soak your air plants in water for about 20-30 minutes every 1-2 weeks. After soaking, allow them to dry completely before placing them back in their display.
  • Pay attention to the environment and adjust the watering frequency accordingly. In drier climates, you may need to water your air plants more frequently.

2. Lighting:

Proper lighting is essential for the health and growth of air plants. Here’s what you need to know about lighting requirements:

  • Air plants thrive in bright, indirect light. Place them near a window where they receive bright, filtered light for a few hours each day.
  • Avoid placing air plants in direct sunlight, as it can cause the leaves to burn or dehydrate.
  • If you don’t have access to natural light, you can use artificial lighting, such as fluorescent or full-spectrum grow lights, to provide the necessary light intensity.

3. Fertilizing:

While air plants can survive on air and water alone, they can benefit from occasional fertilization. Here’s how to fertilize air plants properly:

  • Use a specialized air plant fertilizer, which is formulated with the nutrients that air plants need.
  • Dilute the fertilizer according to the instructions on the package, and apply it to your air plants once a month during the growing season (spring to fall).
  • Avoid over-fertilization, as it can cause the tips of the leaves to burn or damage the plant.

4. Common Challenges and Troubleshooting

  1. Preventing Rot:
    • Ensure that your air plants dry completely after watering. Excess moisture can lead to rot, especially in humid environments.
    • Provide good air circulation by placing your air plants in well-ventilated areas. Avoid overcrowding them, as this can promote moisture buildup and increase the risk of rot.
  2. Dealing with Pests:
    • Monitor your air plants regularly for signs of pests, such as mealybugs or spider mites.
    • If you notice any pests, isolate the affected plants and treat them with an appropriate solution, such as a diluted neem oil spray or a mild insecticidal soap.

By following these care and maintenance tips, you can ensure that your air plants thrive and remain healthy. Remember to provide adequate water, light, and occasional fertilization, and address any common challenges promptly. With proper care, your air plants will continue to bring beauty and a touch of nature to your indoor spaces for years to come.


Choosing the right display for your air plants can enhance their beauty and create an eye-catching element in your home decor. Whether you opt for wall-mounted displays, glass orbs and bulbs, wire frames and sculptures, hanging glass terrariums, or DIY creations, there are numerous options to showcase the unique beauty of air plants. Consider the lighting, size, and humidity requirements of your air plants when selecting a display, and let your creativity shine through in creating a display that aligns with your personal style.

With these creative ideas for displaying air plants, you can transform your space into a captivating haven for your air plants. I hope this post gave you some helpful tips on how to display air plants at home! Good luck!