14 Hobbies That Make Money For Stay At Home Moms


Are you a stay at home mom searching for a new hobby? Hobbies are an excellent way to pursue interests, create new skills, and destress. There is no doubt everyone should have a hobby for these reasons.

What if I told you there are enjoyable, money making hobbies for stay at home moms? If you are able to monetize your passion, it could develop into a side hustle, a business, or even a full blown career when your kids head to college. It just makes sense making money doing something we enjoy.

Producing an extra income with our side hobbies means we can spend more time relaxing, bring additional financial security for our family, have extra spending money, and invest money into our kids. Money truly is freedom and it is totally possible to have fun making it. In this post I’ve gathered the best mom hobbies to make money.

It is surprisingly easy to make money with an inexpensive and low cost hobby. All you need is to pick an interest and figure out monetizing opportunities. Here are the best hobbies that make money for stay at home moms.

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Types Of Mom Hobbies To Make Money

  1. A hobby that produces content.
  2. A service-type hobby.
  3. A hobby that produces a product to sell.

Pick an activity you are passionate about or at the bare-minimum, interested in. It is easier (and more fun!) to make money when you enjoy that activity. That’s the difference between a mundane job and a lucrative hobby. Aim for a hobby you are interesting in knowing more about, or select it from a skill you might already have or desire to develop.

Have fun in 2022 and make money from your side hustle! In this post, I listed several cheap hobbies that make money for stay at home moms to help get started. I truly believe you can make money off of any passion. It’s all about seeing the opportunity.

Hobbies That Produce Content

What do I mean by content? By this, I mean any hobby that can produce content in a written, verbal, picture, or video format. This can come in the form of Youtube videos, livestreams, Instagram photos, blogposts, or podcasts.

You can show off your craft on virtually any social media platform of your choice such as Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, Twitch, or a personal blog. The most important part is you are able to produce high quality, engaging content.

There are multiple ways to make money with these cheap hobbies from social media. You can earn extra cash from advertisements, brand deals, membership fees, and affiliated links.

The sky’s the limit with this type of format. The more followers you have, the more money you could make. If you think social media is too intrusive on your personal life and privacy, think again! You don’t need to reveal your face or your identity. Share what is comfortable and have boundaries with your followers.

With this type of hobby, note that it might take some time and effort before you could start producing cash. Pick one platform to start (etc. blog, Youtube, Facebook), have fun, and produce content regularly. One of the best parts about hobbies that product content is that they are generally inexpensive money making hobbies for stay at home moms.

Below, I listed off several mom hobbies to make money. Obviously, this is not the complete list of every content-creating hobby, as most hobbies can fall into this category. Think about what type of hobby you might be increased in producing content with.

1. Productivity / Bullet Journaling / Organization

If you have a bullet journal, are seeking ways to be more productive in your daily life, or are an organization addict, you can utilize these interests to make extra cash! Content creation is one of the most inexpensive hobbies that make money for stay at home moms.

For example, you can easily produce content by creating a Youtube video showing off your bullet journal monthly spreads or reviewing office supples like highlighters and washi tape. Other ideas include sharing productivity tips and maybe even consider live-streaming your home organization sessions.

To record videos, purchase a video camera or even better, use your phone camera to save money! If you don’t have steady hands, prop up your phone with a tripod.

2. Gaming

If you already like gaming, why not livestream your gaming sessions through platforms like Twitch? Twitch is a great platform to do gaming livestreams. Since it’s live, you won’t need to know how to edit a video. You just need a screen recording software and/or web camera to get started. When you start gaining a following, you can make money through donations and brand partnerships.

You don’t need expensive equipment to start streaming! For gamers, this is one of best hobbies for stay at home moms to make money.

3. Exercising

Yes, it’s possible to monetize your existing exercising routine. You could record your exercise routine and share workout advice on Youtube.

If you are on a mommy fitness journey, you could use this opportunity to share and motivate other mothers. For example, share before and after photos on Instagram of your weight loss journey. Since exercising and content creation doesn’t have a huge upfront cost, this makes it one of the best cheap hobbies that make money for stay at home moms.

You don’t need to be personal trainer or be super toned before starting. You just need to be interested in fitness and and health. Many viewers want to cheer on other people’s fitness journey because it’s an encouraging and authentic experience.

4. Meditation

Meditation is a wonderful daily habit to pick and reduce stress in your life. Consider making a podcast or blog on meditation tips. You could even upload guided meditations on Youtube.

All you need is a good microphone and audio editor. For people who love mental health and de-stressing, this is one of the best mom hobbies to make money.


I can go on and on in this section. Most hobbies transfer well into online content. You just need to be comfortable sharing and producing engaging content.

Content-making is one of the best money making hobbies for stay at home moms.

You might have preexisting a hobby or skillset that fits this category. For example, if you are a stay at home parent, you could become a mommy or daddy blogger! With this type of hobby, you don’t need to spend a lot of money to start producing and posting content online. You just need to put in the time and effort.

Service-Type Hobby

This is any type of hobby that utilizes your skills to provide a service for monetary gain. These types of hobbies require you to seek gigs either with friends or family, or online.

A service-type hobby is a great way to gain professional skills and experience. Once you have completed enough gigs, you’ll start to develop a reputation and client-base.

This is a great opportunity to either start your own business or transition into a career with your experience. Since this type of hobby relies on skill and time, these are inexpensive hobbies for stay at home moms to make money.

Here are several ideas of service-type hobbies to get started.

Video Editing

If you don’t feel comfortable producing your own videos for social media, why not edit for others? Many creators are looking for editors and you can find work on freelancing sites like Fiverr. For people interested in picking up some editing skills, this is one best mom hobbies to make money and gain job experience working at home.

Dog Walker / Pet sitter

Are you an animal lover? If you do, you’ll love this gig. You could get paid taking care of and playing with animals. Pet owners are willing to spend a lot of money to ensure their pets are well taken care of. After all, you want someone you trust to care of your children!

To build your client-base and get your first few gigs, I would ask friends and family. Since, you won’t need to invest money to get started as a dog walker, this is one of the cheapest hobbies that make money for stay at home moms.


Do you enjoy driving around town and meeting interesting people? If so, you can be an Uber or Lyft driver! This is a wonderful side gig and you can work when you want to. It can be a great way to meet new people and check out new places. Why not get paid to drive?

Web Design / Development

Do you know web development? If not, you can learn code for free online from tutorials on sites like Youtube, FreeCodeCamp, and CodeAcademy. If you feel comfortable coding for others, you can get freelance gigs building and designing websites on sites like Upwork.

In this increasingly online world, websites are booming and there is a demand for freelancers as websites owners are looking for ways to visually enhance their site.

Web design also falls into hobbies that could produce products. For example, you could sell WordPress templates on an online store. Coding requires time and patience to learn, but once you have the skills, this is one of the best mom hobbies to make money.


Service-type hobbies usually involve social interactions, so if you are looking for a quiet hobby, this might not be for you. However, this type is one of the best side hobbies that make money for stay at home moms who enjoy interacting with others in their free time.

Service-type hobbies are great career-wise. You could easily use your gigs as working experience if you want to enter the workforce after your children leave for college. You could also test out these hobbies to see if you want it to become your lifelong passion and career.

Hobbies that produce a product to sell

Let’s talk about hobbies that produce a product. Unlike the last two hobby types, this one can be more physical as it involves transacting a product to friends, family, or others. You might need to invest little or a lot of money for materials to get started. If you enjoy creating items, why not make money selling them to others?

Art Products (i.e. Sewing / Knitting)

There are so many crafting hobbies to dive into. You could tuft rugs, make pottery, sew dresses, knit blankets, and paint a landscape. Try selling your products to friends and family. If it goes well, you could create an online store on Etsy to sell them to others.

This type of hobby may cost the most out-front. You might need some materials, training, or equipment before you could even get started. All of these could add up to an expensive amount. However, when your business take off, this can be worth the investment!

If you are serious about creating for others, consider purchasing materials in bulk to save money. For example, if you cross stitch, buy embroidery hoops in bulk!

Printables / PDFs

PDFs are profitable and also low cost to make. Printables and PDFs are one of the best cheap hobbies that make money for stay at home moms. You can create PDFs using sites like Canva and sell them on Etsy.

Here are some ideas of PDFs you can create: sewing patterns, coloring books, calendars, wedding planners, and cleaning schedulers. Selling PDFs are a great way to make passion income because you just need to create the PDF, set up your online store, and wait for sales.

Creative Writing

If you enjoy creative writing, write an ebook! You can self-publish your ebook on Amazon. If you are serious about becoming a published author, you can submit your work to a publisher.

You only need a computer and your imagination to get started. For this reason, creative writing is one of the mom hobbies to make money.

Writing requires dedication. It might take time creating a masterpiece before publishing. However, if you produce a well-written book (maybe even a New York Times bestseller!), you could make a killing and have a reliable passive income. Try different types of creative writing such as short stories and poetry to start.

Flipping Furniture

Do you like DIY? If so, you can purchase secondhand furniture at a low cost, flip it, and sell it at a higher price on sites like Facebook Marketplace. Furniture is expensive which means you can make a high profit. If you have a good eye for design and brilliant DIY skills, you have the potential to make a lot of money.

Try finding secondhand furniture at thrift stores or yard sales. For people who love to work with their hands, this is one of the best low-cost side hobbies that make money for stay at home moms.

Clothing Line / Products

What if I told you you could create a clothing line without hiring a team of workers, buying materials, or even breaking a sweat? Use a store like Printify. They manufacture and deliver clothing for you.

All you need to do is focus on designs. You could design t-shirts, stickers, mugs, and hats. This is another awesome cheap hobby idea to make money off of a product.


Hobbies that produce products can feel rewarding and satisfying because there is a tangible item. Personally, I find these types of hobbies the most creative and fun. You could show off your hobby to friends and family with physical products. Depending on the type of product you want to produce, this can be an awesome inexpensive money making hobby for stay at home moms.

Conclusion: Hobbies That Make Money For Stay At Home Moms

It is possible to have fun making money as a stay at home mom. There are so many opportunities to turn a passion into a side hustle and later, a career. Best of all, there are many money making hobbies for stay at home moms.

If you are serious about making money from a hobby, treat it like a job. If you are creating content for others, make sure you do it regularly. When you provide services, be sure to show up and do the work diligently. If you provide a bad experience, your reputation follows you. If you are selling a product, learn more about the industry and marketing.

The key takeaway is to pick a hobby you enjoy and monetize later. Have fun and make money! If you spend time everyday on your hobby, a time will come when you can start making money from it. Be persistent and patient. Which inexpensive mom hobbies to make money do you want to try?