7 Amazing Home Remedies For Cellulite And Stretch Marks

Are you looking for an inexpensive, home treatment for reducing your cellulite and/or stretch marks? In this post, I’ve listed home remedies for cellulite and stretch marks to help you achieve clear, glowing skin at home.

Cellulite and stretch marks naturally form on women and men’s bodies. If you have them, don’t worry! Most people have one or both. It is a natural part of our bodies so there is no shame in having them!

Stretch marks develop when the inner layer of your skin rips, leaving a scar. Cellulite forms when fat cells pile up under your skin causing bumps on your body. Either way, both can be an annoyance when they appear.

If you feel bothered by their appearance and want to reduce them, let’s get started!

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Home Remedies For Cellulite And Stretch Marks

  1. Cocoa Butter
  2. Apple Cider Vinegar
  3. Seaweed
  4. Castor Oil
  5. Fish Oil
  6. Aloe Vera
  7. Coconut Oil

1. Use Cocoa Butter For Stretch Marks

Cocoa butter makes a wonderful moisturizer for your skin and is one of the best home remedies for cellulite and stretch marks! It contains fatty acids which help keep skin hydrated and smooth. Cocoa butter is also anti-aging. When applied, it creates a protective layer on your skin.

Cocoa butter keeps your skin healthy and can potentially reduce the appearance of stretch marks and scars. Although there isn’t enough scientific evidence to back this up, cocoa butter has been claimed to help reduce stretch marks.

To use cocoa butter, DIY a body lotion! When you purchase cocoa butter, it comes solid and dry. You’ll want to soften it down for easier use. To make a quick lotion, can you melt down the cocoa butter in a bowl in the microwave and add in an oil of your choice. The oil will soften the cocoa butter making it lotion-like.

Cocoa butter is safe to use on your skin unless you have an allergy to it. You can apply your DIY lotion daily on your body or as often as you need. It will make your skin feel supple and smooth.

2. Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Stretch Marks + Cellulite

Apple cider vinegar is a popular home remedy for treating multiple health conditions. Apple cider vinegar has multiple proven health benefits including helping aid weight loss, improving dry skin, and lowering blood sugar. To use, dilute apple cider vinegar with water to drink or apply as a toner onto the skin.

Apple cider vinegar contains antioxidants that can potentially help with stretch mark prevention. When I was researching into apple cider vinegar, there wasn’t much scientific evidence that apple cider vinegar could help reduce stretch marks or cellulite. However, there has been many DIY apple cider vinegar treatments that claim apple cider vinegar can treat and improve both skin conditions.

To use it for stretch marks and cellulite, dilute apple cider vinegar with water and drink this solution daily. You can also apply this diluted solution directly onto your body using a spray bottle. For full body benefits, try adding apple cider vinegar to your next bath! You should not use apple cider vinegar if you are allergic to it. Always dilute it before using! If you don’t, apple cider vinegar can burn your skin.

3. Use Seaweed For Stretch Marks + Cellulite

Seaweed is one of my favorite foods. It can be used in a variety of dishes. I personally enjoy seaweed in the form of salads and snacks!

Seaweed contains multiple vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. Health-wise, seaweed has many benefits including improving gut health, preventing heart disease, helping weight loss, and reducing blood sugar.

Seaweed is also wonderful at improving skin health and is one of the best home remedies for cellulite and stretch marks. When applied externally, seaweed can detoxify, firm, and heal your skin. It is an ingredient that is often used in skincare products such as in cleansers and moisturizers. Seaweed is also wonderful at anti-aging and can reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

To use seaweed for stretch marks, you can purchase skincare products that contain seaweed. For easier use, I would get seaweed in powder form. You can also DIY seaweed powder by grinding up dry seaweed in a blender.

To make a seaweed mask, make a paste with the seaweed powder by adding water, oils, or honey. Apply the paste onto the parts of your body that contain stretch marks and/or cellulite.

I would leave the mask on for at least ten minutes to allow your skin to absorb the seaweed’s nutrients. Rinse off the mask with water (you can do this in the shower). Since this mask is gentle, you can apply several times a week.

4. Use Castor Oil For Stretch Marks

Castor oil is a widely used remedy for a variety of skin conditions. It can prevent skin damage, as well as, treat acne, wrinkles, dry skin, and age spots.

Although there isn’t much evidence that castor oil can treat stretch marks, castor oil can potentially help reduce the appearance of them. When applied on the skin, castor oil can moisturize scar tissue and prevent it from drying out, helping your stretch marks fade over time. Castor oil is one of the easiest home remedies for cellulite and stretch marks.

To use castor oil, massage the oil into the areas of your body that contain stretch marks. Castor oil is a wonderful moisturizer, so you can use it as a daily body lotion for healthy, hydrated skin.

5. Use Fish Oil For Stretch Marks + Cellulite

Fish oil is often consumed as a supplement for its health benefits. It can help with weight loss, improve vision, treat some mental disorders, improve heart and skin health, and reduce the risk of asthma.

Fish oil contains omega-3 which can be the key towards stretch mark prevention and reducing cellulite. Omega-3 hydrates your skin and promotes skin healing. It can also help treat wrinkles, acne, and sun spots. Fish oil can improve your skin’s appearance, but there is little scientific evidence to prove it can reduce stretch marks or cellulite.

To use fish oil for your skin, consume fish oil in the form of capsules. It might take weeks or months before you see an improvement to your skin health.

You can also apply it directly onto the skin by opening up a fish oil capsule and massaging the liquid onto the parts of your body that have stretch marks and/or cellulite.

6. Use Aloe Vera For Stretch Marks + Cellulite

When I was younger, my mother would cut a leaf from the aloe vera plant in the backyard and rub a slice onto my skin. The inside of an aloe vera leaf contains a white thick tissue that stores a slimy fluid. This gel-like fluid is often used in skincare products.

Aloe vera can heal skin wounds and scars. This means that it can potentially reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Whenever I had a sun burn, I would use an aloe vera slice and apply the gel directly onto the burns. This gel has a cooling, anti-itching effect on the skin which makes it ideal for sun burns.

Aloe vera is wonderful at improving skin health. It can help with anti-aging by preventing wrinkles. Aloe vera hydrates the skin, making your skin glow and bounce. It firms your skin which can also help reduce the appearance of cellulite.

To use aloe vera on your skin, you can cut a leaf directly from an aloe vera plant. To use, simply cut a small slice from the leaf and rub the slimy tissue onto your skin. To save the leaf for later, you want to make sure the rest of the leaf doesn’t dry out. I recommend covering the cut-section with a plastic wrap. You also purchase aloe vera in the form of a gel. Aloe vera gel is a great home remedy to use for cellulite and stretch marks.

7. Use Coconut Oil For Stretch Marks + Cellulite

Coconut oil works wonders on your skin. It is rich in fatty acids that protect your skin against harmful microorganisms. Coconut oil can also treat acne, skin wounds, and dry and aging skin. It is one of the best home remedies for cellulite and stretch marks!

As someone who has used coconut oil on my face, I don’t recommend applying it as a facial moisturizer for people who have oily skin. In my personal experience, coconut oil has made me break out. It also doesn’t absorb well, making my face look oily and unpleasantly shiny. However, everyone’s skin is different so it might work better for you.

Coconut oil can reduce the overall appearance of stretch marks and cellulite. This is because it heals your skin and encourages collagen production. Coconut oil hydrates deep into your skin, preventing stretch marks from drying out. Moisture is the key to reducing and preventing stretch marks.

To use coconut oil, massage the oil directly onto parts of the body that contain stretch marks and/or cellulite. Coconut oil can solidify in chill temperatures, but you can easily melt it using the heat from your hands.

Conclusion: Home Remedies For Cellulite And Stretch Marks

You can reduce stretch marks and cellulite at home using the remedies listed above. To save money, I recommend using ingredients you already have at home. As you can see, some methods may work better for stretch marks or cellulite than the others. However, you’ll need to be consistent in order to achieve significant results. You won’t see changes overnight.

You can try one remedy at a time or multiple ones during the same week. I recommend trying a treatment for a period of time before moving onto the next one. This will help you determine the method that is the most effective for you.

I hope this post gave you some helpful ideas on home remedies for cellulite and stretch marks. Let me know what remedies you are planning to try yourself! I’d love to know how it goes!